Thursday, August 17, 2017

Author success: Target

Every couple days I Google myself (giggity?) just to see if anyone is talking about the books and to share what I find. Usually it's the same links to online bookstores: Amazon, B&N, Kobo, Scribd, and a few other overseas stores, all of which are really amazing to see selling something I created. Sometimes I'll find one of my books on a list of recommended books, and I'll humbly thank whomever made the list if I can find a way to contact them.

Today I found something crazy: my book is being sold through Target. While not in stores, it still blows my mind that one of my novels are gracing the virtual shelves of a store you can find in pretty much every town in America.
Sure, B&Ns are everywhere, too, but their speciality is books. But to have Target, a store which carries an array of goods...a household name...selling MY book? I'm in shock. I've just been sitting here staring at my screen trying to comprehend it. I'm shaking with excitement.

I'm sure they sell other indie novels as well, but that doesn't make it any less exciting that they decided my book should be included in their stock. It's also doubly thrilling to see it now as I'm away from home on a (day-job-related) business trip, so my husband and I were on the phone when I found it. He got to hear me squee once it finally hit me that I need to share this news ASAP everywhere I possibly can.

Thank goodness I stepped up my social media game recently!!

It's always good to be able to enjoy a success as an author. I think this is a huge one!!

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